How would You describe yourself? Who are You?
R I am a unique particle of the Divine Source. As the Soul who has embodied the human plane of existence to experience itself through oneself. My life mission is to manage relationships with other people as best as possible. I have decided that when I leave this life, I want to have experienced everything that was meant for me.
K I am everything and nothing at the same time. I am the one who creates, experiences and observes everything in my life. I can take on different roles and characters if necessary because I feel that I am a free spirit and the only limitations I will face are my own.
How have You influenced each other’s journey and healing?
R It has been a powerful reunion and transformation. I have felt the highs and the lows of joy and pain - the Sun and the Moon. Vibrating LIFE with all of its colors. It has been a journey to form Sacred Union with the intention to remember and expand to the highest potential of Self. Surrendering to Oneself to live in Gratitude and in Love. Sacred Union in Symbiosis. K It has been and still is an amazing journey to the multiple depths of Oneself. I would describe it as immense expansion towards my deepest and most hidden shadows but also the most beautiful and pure experience of connection with Self and all that surrounds us.

How to find the balance between the masculine and the feminine?
R Finding the balance between your inner feminine and masculine starts by receiving and accepting. It is like an endless game from chaos to inner peace, a divine chaotic dance that has no beginning and end in order to experience co-creation and the origin of Life. K First it is necessary to understand what is feminine and masculine energy. Then reassess your decisions honestly and recognize where you are currently based. The feeling of unbalance usually creates the feeling of dissatisfaction, stress, or just a row of situations that don’t flow and go your way. When you have done your inventory in the present then it is easier to regulate your moments between doing and being.
What has been one of your biggest lessons and how did it change you?
R Life itself is the biggest mystery. With all of its experience, lessons, and the wisdom that comes from finding your way again. The deepest understanding in my life has been the realization that I am the Creator of everything in my life. Everything that I experience in the outer world is the reflection of the creation of my inner world. This insight brought me really to the Present and presented a question: What am I creating in this world? Change happens through taking full Responsibility for my Life. K For me being a Mother has been the biggest enlightenment. More precisely the enlightenment about how we are influenced by the collective programs of our parents. I have been doing my best to understand how to minimize the amount we pass on to our children in order to liberate our true beings instead of restricting and shaping individuals. I am still learning how to remove my own restrictive patterns.
What is important for You at this moment?
R Enjoy every moment of LIFE as the biggest gift we can have!
K Create an amazing life that is in the best possible harmony with my own way of being.

The Collection ‘‘Always Take Off Your Shoes At The Door’’